Software projects
The team has developped the following software
- the
DifferentialAlgebra project which is dedicated to algorithmic differential algebra
- the Maple MABSys library which is dedicated to studying the dynamic of chemical reactions systems and systems of differential equations
Academic projects
The team is currently involved in the following projects:
projet JCJC CNACS (Certified Numerics for Algebraic Curves with
Singularities) 2025-2028. Florent Bréhard, Adrien Poteaux and Rémi Prébet.
Previous projects :
- WTZ cooperation between France and Austria -
Power Series Solutions of Algebraic
Differential Equations - 2022-2023
(Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Université de Lille,
Université de Rennes)
- ANR PRCI Symbiont - 2018-2022
- ANR Brutus - 2014-2018
- ANR PRCI MYX - 2015-2018