Mike Petrault (M2 Calcul Scientifique Univ.)
worked on the multi-thread parallelization of a code that
minimizes biases in galaxy distance measurement catalogs
Arthur Vinciguerra (M2 Informatique ENS Lyon)
designed and implemented numerical validated algorithms for Hensel's
lifting and approximate roots of bivariate polynomials
Mathieu Leroy (lycéen 1re 2024)
visited our team during one week to discover academic scientific research
Jasmin Krüger (M2 Calcul Scientifique Univ. Lille)
designed and implemented numerical validated algorithms for bivariate polynomials: fast inversion, Euclidean division and Hensel's lifting
Bilal El Safah (L3 Informatique Univ. Lille)
translated to Julia and improved a Fortran code that minimizes biases in galaxy distance measurement catalogs
Léo Soudant (L3 Informatique ENS Paris–Saclay 2022)
worked on validated numerical routines for multiple root-finding of univariate polynomials
Louis Roussel (GIS5 Polytech'Nantes 2022)
on computing Integral Equations using Machine Learning
Louis Gaillard (L3 Informatique ENS Lyon 2021)
formalized rigorous Fourier approximations in Coq and a fixed-point a posteriori
validation routine for algebraic functions
Clément Monnier (M2 2021)
Louis Gaillard (L3 2021)
Before 2020
Ryan Lefebvre (M2 Mocad 2019)
Mellila Bouam (2019)
Ambroise Fleury (L3 2018)
achieved a 10x speedup on polynomial evaluation using AVX
Guillaume Maitrot (M2 2018)
worked on the parallelization on an numeric integro-differential integrator