Computer Algebra and High Performance Computing
The CFHP Team is part of the Thematic Group
CO2 of
Its core activity involves two major components:
- computer algebra, i.e. the symbolic manipulation of mathematical formulas and exact/certified computing,
- high performance computing, especially numerical linear algebra over massively parallel architectures.
Specific topics of the Team:
- the symbolic treatment of dynamical systems,
- biological modeling with a focus on biological networks and brain biology,
- the development of numerical algorithms well-suited to future exascale architectures,
- the development of efficient algebraic algorithms.
Historically, the Team results from the merging, in January 2015, of
Teams Computer Algebra and MAP of the LIFL. We believe that numerical
linear algebra may take advantage of our expertise in computer algebra
(e.g. for developing new preconditioners) while our expertise in high
performance computing may permit the development of new methods in
exact computing, well-suited for future architectures.
- Contact: François Boulier (francois.boulier at
and François Lemaire (francois.lemaire at
- Location: Bâtiment Esprit, Cité Scientifique, Université de Lille, (Offices S4.14, S4.17, S3.17, S3.18)